Essential oils Apps For iPhone

Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, which is a form of alternative medicine.

The essential oils are primarily used in therapies and alternative healing treatments . What we normally call alternative medicine. Many of the remedies or treatments that are recommended or recommended within this alternative or natural medicine include aromatherapy and it is in this kind of therapy that essential oils have a fundamental and very prominent role. Find Here

There has always been a great controversy with the use of essential oils , especially when it has been recommended to treat health issues, between the medical scientific community and the community most likely to use alternative and natural methods. This group of people are of the opinion that nature already provides us through the plants with a multitude of remedies that we can apply to heal almost any condition in our body.

It is not our goal to position ourselves in favor or against the use of essential oils, I personally use some of these oils to treat aspects such as stress or hair, but be clear that this post does not want or intend to advise any treatment that could replace traditional medical treatment, so if you seek remedy for some evil, we strongly recommend that before applying any of the above, consult your trusted doctor and assess with him, the use of any of these essential oils of which in this post we will list and expose their properties as well as for its use is recommended.

These oils are extracted from the plants from which it later gets its name. What is done is to capture "the essence" of that plant, its smell or aroma as well as its flavor. By capturing that "essence" what we are trying to achieve is to isolate and synthesize the positive conditions that this plant has for our health.

These captured compounds are those that give each type of essential oil its unique characteristic in relation to the rest of essential oils.

For obtaining these oils different methods are used. So we can find oil extracted by the distillation method or also oils extracted by mechanical methods such as cold pressing of plants that have that "essence" in the form of oil.

There may be other types of extraction of these much more industrialized oils that take advantage of chemical elements for the extraction of essential oils. At this point it is important to indicate that the fact of including chemical ingredients in the extraction of the essence of the plant can influence the quality of the obtained oil, reason why the oils that have been obtained through this type of chemical processes are not considered pure essential oils.

As we say, this point is very important to note that when buying a type of oil of this type should inform us about the type of extraction process that has been carried out to ensure that the product we are buying is a pure essential oil .


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